Archive for the ‘News’ Category

The Holidays are a happy and joyous time. Even though it is a time to celebrate, there are criminals that have other intentions this season. Crime goes up during this time of year. Theft, burglaries and violent crime increase during the holiday season. People need to be more cautious and alert during the holidays to prevent becoming a victim.
Below are some safety tips that will help keep you safe.
- You should always park near a well-lit area.
- Be aware of your surroundings. If you are not paying attention, you are more vulnerable to an attack.
- When you are walking to you car, have your keys in hand. Do not be texting or pre-occupied with your cellphone.
- Remember where you park and walk directly to your car and get in right away. Lock your car as soon as you get in and drive away immediately. Do not loiter in the parking lot. You are still a potential target when you are parked.
- If you have been shopping and have a lot of bags, put them in your trunk. Do not leave valuables in the car. Thieves are always looking for easy things to steal. If an item or shopping bag is visible, criminals are more likely to break in.
- If there are any outside lights not working at your workplace, notify your management. Make sure all of of your outside house lights are working as well.
- Finally, if you see someone suspicious contact security.
Being careful and thinking ahead can dramatically reduce your chances of falling victim during the holiday season. Sterling wishes everyone a Safe and Happy Holiday!
Sterling Protective Services, Inc. is proud to announce that Tim Dyson, our president, has recently been included into the prestigious ASIS International Quarter Century Club, due to his 25 year membership with the internationally renowned security organization.
ASIS describes themselves in the following way on their website:
ASIS International is the preeminent organization for security professionals, with more than 38,000 members worldwide. Founded in 1955, ASIS is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and productivity of security professionals by developing educational programs and materials that address broad security interests, such as the ASIS Annual Seminar and Exhibits, as well as specific security topics. ASIS also advocates the role and value of the security management profession to business, the media, government entities, and the public.”

The purchasing of a service as important as on-site security services, including both unarmed and armed security guards, must be looked at from the VALUE side more than the PRICE side.
The old saying, “you get what you paid for,” is never more true than with security services.
For a buyer of security services to simply look at the price of service to make their purchase decision, will cause the buyer to accept very high risk by employing improperly screened, trained, supervised and insured security guards. (more…)

Black Friday is the shopping event of the year, with total sales from brick and mortar establishments totaling $12.3 billion on Black Friday in 2013, and about 37% of the American adult population joining the fun! That’s 225,000,000 people out and about, an astronomically larger than typical number. Add to that the extra challenges of early opening times, crowd control, over-eager shoppers sleeping in parking lots, and potential problems like shoplifting, trampling and brawls breaking out, and you have some major Black Friday security issues for retail stores. These issues are at best a minor headache, sapping at your profit margins. At worst, a major incident on your premises can lead to lengthy legal battles and crippling financial troubles. (more…)
Sterling Protective Services has been providing the best security guards in Dallas TX for over 25 years. We believe that our combination of thorough screening, rigorous training, and a focus on doing one thing right, rather than making a half hearted attempt at several different things, is what makes our security guards the best, Dallas has to offer.
Security Screening and Background checks
At Sterling Protective Services, we believe a thorough background check should be performed for all employees. It’s important to know that your employees are trustworthy, and have a history of making good decisions. We consider this even more important in our Dallas security guards than in a non-secuity role, because the nature of the job requires that the employee be placed in situations that require a trustworthy nature. (more…)
The Westway Ford Dash for Dignity, benefitting Citizens Development Center, was a great success. Over 900 people attended the event at Urban Towers in Las Colinas, Irving. The “DASH” includes both a competitive 5K run and a one mile fun-run/walk. It also featured a family fair with food, music, silent auction, raffle games and more. This, the events’ 21st year, had the largest number of attendees ever, and with their help and the work of numerous volunteers the DASH generated over $80,000 income. Funds raised support activities and work programs for adults with severe disabilities as part of the Citizens Development Center mission.
Take a look at some photo’s of our day!

Sterling's Dash for Dignity team

Sterling's Dash for Dignity team

Sterling's Dash for Dignity team

Sterling's Dash for Dignity team

Sterling's Dash for Dignity Team
our Community Involvement page for info regarding other worthy causes we support, and upcoming events.
The work of a security guard changes depending on the security environment, the industry they serve, and even from company to company. It is important that you choose a security company in Houston that offers well trained, capable security guards. Our Houston Texas security guards are among the best available due to a rigorous training and careful screening process.
So why are you better off with Houston security guards from Sterling Protective Services?
Fully qualified
All security guards operating in the state of Texas are required by law to meet certain requirements. Security guards from Sterling Protective Services go above and beyond these minimum requirements, as we require that they take additional courses that enable them to think clearly and react quickly in an unpredictable environment. (more…)
Choosing a security company can be a difficult and challenging task. It’s imperative that you can trust the company, (and the individuals they employ) that you hire to help protect your business, employees and company belongings. The good news is that if you keep the following criteria in mind, you’ll end up working with an Austin security company you can be confident about.
So what should you look for in a security service?
Hire Trained Experts
All Austin security companies are required by Texas state law to meet certain requirements, with even more rigorous standards for any security firm providing armed security guards. Sterling Protective Services is committed to providing the best trained security guards available from any security service Austin has to offer. For this reason, Our security guards in Austin TX are not only trained and certified per state requirements, we require that they complete additional training to ensure that they are more than capable of meeting your security needs. (more…)
Most business owners feel that security guards bring a fantastic sense of safety to their businesses. With the huge success of officers deterring theft, some business owners begin to consider whether an armed security officer would be a logical next step. Hiring an armed security officer is a decision that should not be taken lightly. By introducing firearms into a business, you run the risk of escalating a situation. Employees may also have mixed feelings about the use of guns. However, there are some great benefits to having an armed guard on the premises.
Extensive Security Guard Training
Those business owners who already employ unarmed security officers are familiar with the training that these guards have to go through. Security officers must successfully pass a thorough pre-employment screening. Those that pass take classes in report writing, patrolling, and legal aspects of the security profession. A test is then given that, upon passing, provides the guards with certification. (more…)
In just over two weeks, an excited team from Sterling Protective Services will be participating in the Westway Ford Dash for Dignity – a 5K run or 1 mile fun run/walk and family fair taking place in Irving/Las Colinas. The event has been organized in support of the Citizen’s Development Center, an organization Sterling is proud to support.
We’d love to see you there, please take a look at the event details below, and click on the link at the bottom to find out how you can contribute or register:
Dash for Dignity
The Westway Ford Dash for Dignity is a 5K run, 1 mile fun run/walk and family fair in Irving-Las Colinas. The Dash for Dignity is in support of the Citizen’s Development Center (CDC).
Saturday, September 13th, 2014
*New for 2014* Urban Towers: 222 Las Colinas Blvd. East, Irving, TX 75039
7:00am: Registration and Activities Open
8:00am: 5K Race Start
9:00am: 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk/Roll Start
9:30am: Awards Presentation and Raffle Drawing