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Melissa joined Sterling Protective Services in 2007 as Marketing Director. She is responsible for all marketing efforts for the company, including business development and sales for all branch locations. This includes Sterling's website, search engine optimization, and social media efforts. She also manages Sterling's government relations program. Sterling Protective has a corporate goal to make a positive difference in the lives of our employees and those in the communities in which we serve. Towards this end, Melissa manages Sterling's charitable giving program. Melissa holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education from Baylor University.
Posts by Melissa Montiel:
As the person responsible for your organization’s facility, it’s easy to think that vandalism and theft couldn’t happen to you. Therefore, you may not have taken the proper precautions against it. If this is the position you find yourself in, consider the potential cost of inaction. Having a security officer on site could deter theft, vandalism, injury to staff and destruction of property, which can be a massive financial blow. (more…)
Sporting events security is gaining universal attention, with the Boston Marathon bombing in April of 2013 and the recent terrorist threats surrounding the Sochi Olympics. As a result of the concern, sporting organizations are realizing they need to up their game when it comes to events security.
Risk Shows that Event Security Isn’t Good Enough
Baseball stadiums are no stranger to security threats and violence. With tempers, often fueled by alcohol, running high at sporting events, it’s common for isolated fights and full-on brawls to occur during games, and if a weapon is drawn, these scenarios can turn deadly. When the doors open before an event, thousands of fans stream in clutching purses, bags, and other items that could easily conceal weapons or other dangerous objects. While the current event security services at MLB games include a bag check, safety measures still need to be improved.
A college campus is a place where the learning necessary for a future career takes place, and it is important that both students and faculty are able to focus on their responsibilities. While things usually run smoothly, unexpected circumstances can arise at any time and it is important to have a campus security presence available as a deterrent and a tool for witnessing and documenting activities. (more…)
Whether you are planning a business conference, an extravagant family wedding, or hosting a VIP event, event security should be high on your priority list. Ensuring you have security on the premises during any event is a sure way to keep all guests safe and ensure peace of mind throughout the proceedings. If you’re planning out an event and have questions regarding security, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Emergency Preparedness Series- Role of Security Personnel in the case of an armed gunman.
This is the belated fourth installment in our Emergency Preparedness Series, dealing with the role of Business security and security guards in emergency situations and in preparing for them. Please feel free to check out our other emergency preparedness posts!

The Role of Security in Active Shooting Preparedness and Prevention
There are few things more terrifying than the idea of an active shooter attacking one’s business or workplace. In addition to the obvious danger of violence to your person, you must also consider the danger a shooter would pose to customers and employees. Frighteningly, attacks by active shooters on work places are only becoming more common, and seem to occur with little rhyme or reason. With the right security company, though, employers can prepare themselves and their businesses for this terrifying possibility. (more…)
The beginning of a new year always represents a clean slate; a time to start fresh and perhaps put an end to some bad habits, or adopt some good ones. Business security is an area that is perhaps neglected when this “fresh start” mentality kicks in, but the new year presents a great opportunity bring dedicated and professional onsite security guards on board, and have them familiarize themselves with whatever challenges your business faces in the post holiday season. Here are some questions you should be asking yourself:

The Holidays are a fun and joyful time! Unfortunately, crime goes up in the holiday season. With all the hustle and bustle of shopping there are many opportunities for criminals to strike. Don’t make it easy for these offenders. To avoid being a victim, take proper precautions to help prevent theft!
Tips for Personal Security over Christmas
When doing your Christmas shopping, avoid keeping shopping bags or packages visible in your car. When you leave the mall, leave with a group or if you are alone, ask a security officer to escort you to your car. Park by a well lit area and always be aware of your surroundings. Have your keys already in hand and get straight in your car and lock the doors when you arrive to your car. Depart the parking lot immediately. You are a target if you remain in the parking lot. At Home: Do not leave wrapped packages by windows to tempt a potential burglar. When traveling, make it appear you are at home. Have lights set on automatic timers, if you have an alarm system, make sure it is set. Ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your place. (more…)
Emergency Preparedness Series- Role of Security Personnel in the case of a bomb threat.
This is the third installment in our Emergency Preparedness Series, dealing with the role of Business security and security guards in emergency situations and in preparing for them.

Bomb threat emergency preparedness – The role of security guards
One of the primary roles of a professional security guard is to be observant, aware of changes (either physically, or in the atmosphere/mood) that can be a subtle indicator of danger. To quote Boston Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, in advance of Boston’s first marathon since the tragic Boston Marathon bombing earlier this year: “There are no guarantees in our post-9/11 world, but we’re doing everything we reasonably can to protect the runners and the spectators and have this be a safe and enjoyable event.” Kelly went on to outline the increased security measures, which included a dramatically increased physical presence with many more officers posted along the route. Time and time again, the best defense against terrorism and bomb threats has been to have trained and vigilant security personnel on the premises. Just being able to see an alert security presence can provide a significant deterrent, and preemptively avert disaster by not presenting an easy target. (more…)
Emergency Preparedness Series- Role of Security Personnel in Fire Drill or Actual Fires.
This is the second installment in our Emergency Preparedness Series, dealing with the role of Business security and security guards in emergency situations and in preparing for them.

During a fire or a fire drill, it is important that you have building security personnel in your building who can safely guide everyone out of the building in an orderly fashion. Any sort of confusion, mass panic or inaction could cost many people their lives during a fire emergency.
Emergency Preparedness Starts Early
If you are in a school, an office building or anywhere else where a fire emergency could take place, it is important to be prepared for such an event ahead of time. Emergency preparedness measures such as conducting a monthly fire drill are advised. Another way to prepare for an emergency is to have building security personnel inform everyone of where the emergency exits are, as well as the escape plan during a fire. (more…)
Welcome to our Emergency Preparedness Series!
Here at Sterling Protective Services, Inc. we believe that the security of your company extends beyond prevention of violence, theft or vandalism. It is with this in mind that we begin work on a series of blog posts highlighting emergency preparedness, and with a focus on the role of well trained security personnel when an emergency strikes.
Read Episode #2 – Fire Drill ->

Natural Disaster Preparedness for Your Business
Hurricanes, Tornados, Floods… Mother Nature is not always a kindly matron. Natural disaster preparedness is critical before a disaster occurs. For the unprepared business owner, natural disasters can be a costly event. Businesses with onsite business security personnel are at an advantage as their training should ensure that they are well prepared to handle whatever comes their way. While most people consider themselves prepared to handle a crisis, business owners have to consider their employees and facilities as well. If an owner is not aware of the tactical preparations required prior to a disaster, they could easily lose more than anticipated, and place employees at risk. This can be avoided with proper planning and use of security personnel. (more…)